This is a poem I wrote for a sermon recently about the fact that Christian kids these days don't even know the old hymns anymore, but they know all about the TV shows, rock music, etc.
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Our kids used to know “Amazing Grace”
Now they know “Will and Grace”
They used to know “In the sweet by and by”
Now they know “Queer eye for the Straight Guy”
They used to know “How great thou art”
Now they know “Homer Simpson and Bart”
They used to know “To God be the Glory”
Now they know “A Shark Tale” and “Toy Story”
Now they know “Bel Air Fresh Prince”
They used to know “Close to thee”
Now they know “VH1” and “MTV”
They used to know “My Faith Has found a
Now they know “Star Trek” and “Lost in Space”
They used to know “Wounded for Me”
Now they know “
They used to know “Send the Light”
Now they know “Entertainment Tonight”
They used to know “Revive Us Again”
Now they know “Seinfeld” and “Friends”
They used to know “On the Solid Rock I Stand”
Now they know “Sponge Bob” and “Spiderman”
They used to know “At the Cross” and “He lives”
Now they know “Everybody hates Chris”
They used to know “Shall We Gather”
Now they know “Ted Kopple” and “Dan Rather”
They used to know “Whiter than Snow”
Now they know “The Late Late Show”
They used to know “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
Now they know “A Current Affair”
They used to know “When We See Christ”
Now they know “Desperate Housewives”
They used to know “Keep Nothing Between”
Now they know “Billy Graham” and “Joel Osteen”
They used to know “On Zion’s Hill”
Now they know “Oprah” and “Dr. Phil”
They used to know “When we all Get to Heaven”
Now they know “Frasier” and “7th Heaven”
They used to know “Oh Say But I’m Glad”
Now they know “My Two Dads”
They used to know “He hideth My Soul”
Now they know “American Idol”
They used to know “There is a Fountain”
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