If the Shoe Fits

Pastor Anderson's Blog

August 27, 2016

"And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." Luke 12:15

When children are materialistic, they usually learned it from their parents. Competitiveness in kids is why some schools implement uniforms so that parents won’t feel pressured to provide the expensive brands. Unfortunately, adults are often guilty of trying to keep up with the Jones’s in the area of their children’s wardrobes.

If you are crazy enough to buy your child $200 limited edition Jordans for no special occasion, at least teach him not to brag about it. This starts with setting a better example yourself. You might know how to mask your bragging better than your teenager does, but people see right through it. Should a lady really be boasting about the shopping sprees made possible by a child support check from her ex? You see, a married couple living on one income with a large family probably can’t afford to spend that kind of money on shoes that their children will soon outgrow.

If that stay-at-home mom you feel superior to would just leave her husband, she too, could put her kids on a bus in the morning and not see them again until late that evening. If she was working full-time plus collecting child support, maybe then her kids could have the same wardrobe as your spoiled brat. I realize single moms have to do what they have to do, but a broken home is nothing to boast about. Yes, your kids get a lot of money thrown at them because they have a “Disneyland dad” who is trying to compete with you. He may even have another wife who is working to help pay for it all.

Not only is buying expensive shoes for children impractical, but raising them to have champagne tastes is doing them a disservice. Often, when young people get married, they feel like they should quickly attain to their parent’s financial status. The reality is that most young couples have to start out in an apartment or other modest house, and money can be tight at first. Your son’s wife will want him to bring home the proverbial bacon—not the latest athletic shoes for himself. Those Nikes he bought while still living at home might have to get a little dirty until he finds a better job. In fact, once the babies start coming, he might not be able to spend much money at all on his own personal ensemble.

Some people need a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future: I know of a guy who was provided with constant new shoes growing up and still gets them just as often now that he is in his thirties; however, he makes his money dealing drugs. The reality is that an honest job doesn’t always facilitate an extravagant lifestyle, but when people are taught to feel that their value is determined by what they wear, they sometimes have trouble adapting to living on a budget.

There’s also this mentality out there that your child’s wardrobe is more important than yours. If you work at a job where you’re on your feet all day, you might be the one that needs the brand new shoes. Your kids on the other hand probably don’t have foot problems and will do just fine with something inexpensive. Yes, you should provide your children’s needs, but good parenting is not measured by the amount of money you spend on their attire. Your children are more than just accessories or dress-up dolls.

The bottom line is that prideful people will try to show off by overspending. The best way to deal with these types is to make it clear that you are unimpressed and unashamed.

Don’t raise your children with this ghetto mentality that they’re entitled to a new pair of Jordans every month, and to look down on people whose parents have different priorities. If all you can afford is shoes from Payless or the thrift store, don’t feel bad about it. Maybe then your children will learn that there is more to life than shoes.

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Here is a sermon to go with this article

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