Independent Baptist Church Directory

Here are instructions on how to find the best church in your area:

1. Visit the Independent Baptist Church Locator known as Military Get Saved.
2. Click on your state in the left hand sidebar.
3. Use the "control-F" (PC) or "command-F" (MAC) feature to search the page for the word "soul." This will help you find the churches that are advertising soul-winning. These will usually be the best churches. (If you are having trouble using the "find" feature, it is usually in the "edit" menu.)
4. Physically attend (not call) all the soul-winning churches in your area until you decide on the best one.

Here are a few outstanding churches:

Faithful Word Baptist Church
2741 W Southern Ave #14
Tempe, AZ 85282
(602) 456-1049
Pastor Steven L Anderson

Straight Paths Baptist Church
1955 W Grant Road, suite 160
Tucson, AZ 85745
(602) 456-1049
Pastor Corbin Ressl

First Works Baptist Church
5223 E Orangethorpe Ave
Anaheim, CA 92807
(626) 361-7223
Pastor Bruce Mejia

Verity Baptist Church
320 Harris Avenue Suite #A
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 792-2050
Pastor Roger Jimenez

Anchor Baptist Church
6444 Northwest Expressway #217
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
(405) 367-4002
Pastor Dillon Awes

Stedfast Baptist Church
332 Texas Street
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
(682) 253-4066
Pastor Jonathan Shelley

Sure Foundation Baptist Church
609 Main St, Suite #120
Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 718-3834
Pastor Aaron Thompson

New Life Baptist Church
Unit 9, 16 Sydal St2
Little Mountain QLD 4551
0497 868 329
Pastor Kevin Sepulveda
