Pastor Steven Anderson

Pastor Steven Anderson was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. At age 18, he travelled throughout Germany and Eastern Europe for 3 months serving in local independent Baptist churches, studying foreign languages, and getting experience in the ministry. It was on this trip that he met his future wife, Zsuzsanna, while out soul-winning in the streets of Munich, Bavaria. He eventually led her to the Lord, and they were married shortly thereafter. They have been married for over 24 years, and God has blessed them with 12 children.

Pastor Anderson is a polyglot who loves studying foreign languages and has a passion for reaching other parts of the world with the Gospel. He has read the New Testament cover-to-cover in 17 languages and the entire Bible cover-to-cover in 7 languages including Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. He has preached in churches on 5 continents and has done personal soul-winning in 17 countries. Faithful Word Baptist Church also hosts a missions conference each November, featuring pastors and laymen who preach about foreign missions they have carried out within the last 12 months.

Pastor Anderson's Language Credentials

Pastor Anderson on social networking sites:

                  Evangelist Chris Segura

Brother Ramon Ventura
